NAMI Connections


NAMI Connection Recovery Support Groups are free, confidential, and safe, 90-minute weekly support groups open to anyone with a mental health diagnosis. Groups follow a flexible structure without an educational format. Individuals join a caring group of peers that offer support through their learned wisdom and participants can share as much or as little personal information as they wish.

Research has shown that having someone to talk to is instrumental in the mental health recovery process. Too often, mental illness is an isolating experience. Recovery is possible but often requires a connection with community—a community that offers support, encouragement, and insight. NAMI Connection is meant to be only one avenue to recovery for people with mental illness. Support groups should add to and not replace the treatment plan determined by the individual and their mental health care provider. Groups do not recommend or endorse any medications or other medical therapies.


NAMI-Roanoke Valley currently does not offer the group. Please visit NAMI Virginia at for more information on this group around the State of Virginia.